Tuesday, September 27, 2011

google +

Perhaps you have noticed that I do not reply (much) to comments made on this blog.  This is for several reasons, one of which I learned from my old blog: pressure.  After I made responding to comments a habit, I often felt some type of pressure (my own, social, peer, because it is the "good blogger thing to do!" or simply because I thought it didn`t take that much time!) to always respond no matter how what the comment was (perhaps, the person who left the comment didn`t even care for a response!).  However, I do like growing relationships online (I`ve met & made several awesome friends this way but also I learn from differing opinions--we don`t always have to agree on the same topics).  On the other hand, constantly responding takes time (& mental energy) away from my work/blog posts/personal projects & the blogger platform is not a good platform for discussion.

So if you want to get in touch with me, comment on a post, or just chat me up then the best way to do that is through google +.  I just got started so it is blank slate at the moment but don`t let that stop you from talking to me.


  1. I keep meaning to join that & just never do...

  2. added you! <3
    this is @gorgeouskyoku from twitter btw. lol
