Saturday, October 29, 2011

new days

The great thing about approaching every day as a new day is -

Every day you can start over.

Today, I am starting over again. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

breakfast, lunch & dinner

Obviously not from the same day as that would be A LOT of carbs.  Coconut & maple syrup pancakes with raspberries, salad, buttered toast & fresh cut peaches and home-made spaghetti with monster cheese.  Just a sample of what my everyday food is like.  I tend to cook everything (or cook everything with my husband) as my cooking tends to be better than a good portion of the restaurants here.

Everything is pretty self-explanatory (olive oil + red wine vinegar for the salad dressing), coconut syrup mixed with maple syrup for the pancakes & for the spaghetti sauce all you need is: tomatoes, salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic, onions, mushrooms (& red wine if you want).

Boil tomatoes until soft and the skin is peeling off.  Take off the skin and mash.  Add olive oil to a sauce pan and saute onions and mushrooms until brown.  Chop garlic and add.  Add tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste.  Add wine and let it cook a little to evaporate so the taste isn`t too strong.  Taste it, make sure you like it then add to cooked noodles. 

Making your own sauce takes about the same time as using a store bought one (make it while you are waiting for the noodles to cook) and it takes a lot better than store bought sauce.  No joke.  I make almost all my own sauces now.  Experimenting with salad dressings at the moment.

Monday, October 3, 2011


You know how some people say red & pink can`t go together?  Yeah, totally don`t care.  Used french tips & EMODA nailpolish.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

sun bleached

Bathing suit by H&M.  Found this camera at the bottom of the ocean but it still works.  Now, we can take pictures underwater.  Also, today I discovered a place to get my Japanese fashion fix...Murua can be found in Hawaii...

life is like

"She had debated, in the frivolity of the beginning, whether to build a hole or a tower;" -Keri Hulme, The Bone People

But the only thing you need to do is build the damn thing; the shape doesn`t matter in the end.  Now, I am building.