Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am

  • Going after my dreams - literally
  • Not procrastinating
  • Not daydreaming
  • Pushing my boundaries
All I can think is: why didn`t I do this sooner?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

new days

The great thing about approaching every day as a new day is -

Every day you can start over.

Today, I am starting over again. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

breakfast, lunch & dinner

Obviously not from the same day as that would be A LOT of carbs.  Coconut & maple syrup pancakes with raspberries, salad, buttered toast & fresh cut peaches and home-made spaghetti with monster cheese.  Just a sample of what my everyday food is like.  I tend to cook everything (or cook everything with my husband) as my cooking tends to be better than a good portion of the restaurants here.

Everything is pretty self-explanatory (olive oil + red wine vinegar for the salad dressing), coconut syrup mixed with maple syrup for the pancakes & for the spaghetti sauce all you need is: tomatoes, salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic, onions, mushrooms (& red wine if you want).

Boil tomatoes until soft and the skin is peeling off.  Take off the skin and mash.  Add olive oil to a sauce pan and saute onions and mushrooms until brown.  Chop garlic and add.  Add tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste.  Add wine and let it cook a little to evaporate so the taste isn`t too strong.  Taste it, make sure you like it then add to cooked noodles. 

Making your own sauce takes about the same time as using a store bought one (make it while you are waiting for the noodles to cook) and it takes a lot better than store bought sauce.  No joke.  I make almost all my own sauces now.  Experimenting with salad dressings at the moment.

Monday, October 3, 2011


You know how some people say red & pink can`t go together?  Yeah, totally don`t care.  Used french tips & EMODA nailpolish.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

sun bleached

Bathing suit by H&M.  Found this camera at the bottom of the ocean but it still works.  Now, we can take pictures underwater.  Also, today I discovered a place to get my Japanese fashion fix...Murua can be found in Hawaii...

life is like

"She had debated, in the frivolity of the beginning, whether to build a hole or a tower;" -Keri Hulme, The Bone People

But the only thing you need to do is build the damn thing; the shape doesn`t matter in the end.  Now, I am building.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

thank god for public libraries

One of the first things I did when I got to Hawaii was join the library.  I love my public library card.  I go every week (free books!  what is better than that?!).

Recently finished Holly Black`s WHITE CAT & Poison Eaters, Robert T. Kiyosaki`s Rich Dad Poor Dad (an interesting read from a controversial author but I can tell why it was a bestseller - simplified writing style about a subject many find difficult littered with old cliches said in a new way though I can also see why it was criticized so heavily - some of the facts about taxes are incorrect, obvious embellishment and a condescending tone towards traditional education).

Now reading: Donald Trump`s Never Give Up (a bit surprised at how easy a read it is but all the information presented is not very exciting for me because my dad pretty much personified his attitude towards life and business so not really learning anything new but I can see why it is popular), Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (really enjoying this one so far, love the historical context surrounding it!), Sarah Rees Brennan`s The Demon Lexicon (heard a lot of good things about this book but the beginning so far is wishy-washy and I am not very impressed with the writing but hoping it will get better - sometimes it takes a while to fall in love with the characters...hoping this is the case!). 

Got any recommendations or books you love?  I could always read more!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

google +

Perhaps you have noticed that I do not reply (much) to comments made on this blog.  This is for several reasons, one of which I learned from my old blog: pressure.  After I made responding to comments a habit, I often felt some type of pressure (my own, social, peer, because it is the "good blogger thing to do!" or simply because I thought it didn`t take that much time!) to always respond no matter how what the comment was (perhaps, the person who left the comment didn`t even care for a response!).  However, I do like growing relationships online (I`ve met & made several awesome friends this way but also I learn from differing opinions--we don`t always have to agree on the same topics).  On the other hand, constantly responding takes time (& mental energy) away from my work/blog posts/personal projects & the blogger platform is not a good platform for discussion.

So if you want to get in touch with me, comment on a post, or just chat me up then the best way to do that is through google +.  I just got started so it is blank slate at the moment but don`t let that stop you from talking to me.

taking control

Change makes things happen.  Recently, I have taken control of four things in my life.

1. My eating habits.

2. Exercise.

3. Learning.

4. Financial freedom.

These four things are very important to helping me live the life I want. 

a few of my favorite things

Sinful Kissing mentioned wanting to see what my apartment looked like.  It is still a work in progress (I can`t believe we only moved in two weeks ago!) but already I have a few collections of things I love.

Streamlined black, white, gold & red.  I love the Bath & Body Works heat oils...nothing makes our place smell better except cookies baking in the oven.  Also, kept a few things from Japan to give our new apartment some old memories.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

shot in yokohama

A music video I was in: Mischievous of Alice.  My part took a total of six hours, no joke.  It was a nice last experience to have in Japan.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ysl rouge volupte is a look best mixed with blackberries

I am in love with YSL`s Rouge Volupte lipstick & homemade blackberry jam.  To make the jam:

Blackberries (however many you want, frozen or fresh!) in a pan.  Pour a generous amount of sugar until the blackberries are covered (but not so you have to dig to find them).  I use organic light brown sugar.  Heat on low until sugar begins to melt (this will take awhile so go read a book) and then stir every-so-often.  When all the sugar is melted your jam will be ready to be put into a glass jar and placed in the fridge.  It is better than anything you could buy at the store (& healthier, within reason!).  You can adjust the sugar amount through trial and error (I use less sugar now but I use the jam everyday so it goes quick).  More sugar = longer lasting.  I tend to make a new batch each week or every two weeks. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

welcome to paradise

This is the view from our balcony.  Everyday I stop and marvel at how beautiful our surroundings are.  I don`t miss Tokyo at all.